Friday, April 22, 2011

We Love School

You know that you're getting old when your kids start going to school.  The boys are now 4 years old and just started going to playschool.  No first day blues and long dramatic goodbyes.  I guess I prepared them well.  So well that they always ask to go to school. 
On their second day, their nanny told us that the teacher was so surprised to see that they're the only kids in class who knows their phonics.  I mean, these boys do know a lot now.  I'm afraid they might get bored with their lessons. 
Everyday when we pick them up, they're so full of stories to tell.  I'm glad they have a very positive attitude about schooling.  After all, we want them to enjoy it and get educated.
Child Learning Center, Kenabot, Papua New Guinea

First Project